A bacterial dystopia

Sameer Karkee
Jun 24, 2021

Man conquered microbes a long time ago,
From TB and typhoid, died no more,
In drugs and pills, they found their cure
And used it often with the intention pure
Be it headache, mild cough, or sore throat,
The power of the pill, they overused,
Their use had turned into a misuse,
And then came in the resistance reports,
The tablets could protect them no more,
Arose , staph aureus , Moraxella catarrhalis
salmonella, shigella, streptococcus pyogenes
And slowly the chaos spread far and wide
And thousands and thousands of people died
Rules were discussed, policies were made
But the efforts were all fruitless, to no avail,
In drug use, they applied more restraint
But the timing wasn’t right, it was too late,
Cause the bacteria had already become resistant



Sameer Karkee

Amateur writer. Studying Medicine. Interested in philosophy, Science and any other fascinating idea that I come across. Believer of growth mindset.